Double Brokering in Transportation: Understanding the Risks and How to Protect Your Shipments

Double Brokering in Transportation: Understanding the Risks and How to Protect Your Shipments

In the complex world of logistics and transportation, there are various challenges that can impact the smooth flow of goods. One concerning issue that has gained attention in recent times is double brokering. This practice, which involves a freight broker outsourcing a shipment to another broker or carrier without the knowledge or consent of the…

What is International Roadcheck?

What is International Roadcheck?

International Roadcheck is an annual three-day enforcement campaign conducted by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) in North America. During International Roadcheck, certified inspectors perform safety inspections on commercial vehicles and drivers, focusing on compliance with regulations related to service hours, vehicle maintenance, and cargo securement. How does it impact us? International Roadcheck can have…

Heavy Mud Pumps

Heavy Mud Pumps

Transporting heavy and oversized equipment can be a challenging task. Majestic has the expertise and resources to handle even the most complex jobs. Recently, we had the opportunity to transport four massive mud pumps for the Oil & Gas industry, each weighing over 125,000 lbs and measuring more than 12 feet wide and 16 feet…

Heavy Equipment Transport

Heavy Equipment Transport

We transported these separator skids for a client that needed coating.  The separator skids are essential equipment that separates fluids produced from oil and gas wells into oil and gas or liquid and gas. Our client needed these skids to be coated before delivery to their job site near Corpus Christi, TX. We picked up…

Tank and Fuel System Skid

Tank and Fuel System Skid

We are proud to offer a wide range of transportation solutions to meet each of our client’s unique needs. Recently, we had the opportunity to transport a 10,000 lbs Tank Skid and 4,200 lbs Fuel System Skid within Texas. Initially, the customer thought they would need two trucks to transport the cargo, but our team…

4 truck lineup for oversized cargo

4 truck lineup for oversized cargo

We successfully transported this oversize oil and gas cargo, including four umbilical reels and reelers, one HPU, and two chemical injection units from Gray, Louisiana, to their final destination. With about 17 ft long and 14ft in diameter, the reels weighed approximately 55,000 lbs each and required width, height, weight permits, and escorts. Width and…